Wolverine - One-Shots - The Reckoning

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The Reckoning
Wolverine - One-Shots
€ 24,99


His final confrontation with Romulus on the horizon, Wolverine reaches out to a friend to help him put to rest one of the greatest tragedies of his long, long life--the death of Mariko Yashida. And in Dark Wolverine, Daken's moment finally arrives. In one fell swoop, Daken plans to both destroy his father and achieve his destiny. The streets of Ankara run red with blood as Daken faces off against...Romulus!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Wolverine
Reeks/Deel: Wolverine - One-Shots
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780785139782
Scenarist(en): Liu, Marjorie , Way, Daniel
Tekenaar(s): Conrad, Will , Eaton, Scot , Pierfederici, Mirco , Segovia, Stephen
Uitgever: Marvel

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