Welcome Back, Alice 6 - Volume 6

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Volume 6
Welcome Back, Alice 6
€ 13,99


I want to get out of this hell

Yo didn't expect high school life to be a whirlpool of lust and regret. He feels trampled on by Mitani, the girl he has had a crush on for as long as he can remember. He also can't forgive himself for upsetting Kei, the one person who seems to fully understand him. 

And when Yo realizes how much he has hurt the people around him, anguish and panic lead him to do something that shocks not only Kei and Mitani, but his entire class. 


Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Welcome Back, Alice
Reeks/Deel: Welcome Back, Alice 6
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781647293031
Scenarist(en): Oshimi, Shuzo
Tekenaar(s): Oshimi, Shuzo
Genre(s): LGBTQ+, Romantiek, Young Adult
Uitgever: Kodansha Comics

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1
2. Volume 2
3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4
5. Volume 5

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    Ulgersmaweg 14
    9731 BS Groningen

    +31 (0)50 - 549 96 98

  • Openingstijden

    Do. 09:00 — 18:00
    Vr. 09:00 — 18:00
    Za. 10:00 — 17:00