Teen Titans - Omnibus - The Bronze Age Omnibus

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The Bronze Age Omnibus
Teen Titans - Omnibus
€ 125,00

Uitgave omschrijving

724 pagina's


When TEEN TITANS first hit newsstands, the book featured a group of carefree heroes-in-training with hip lingo and wacky adventures. But within a few years, both the characters and the subject matter would mature considerably as the team said good-bye to the swinging ’60s and entered the Bronze Age of comic books!

As college-aged young adults, the Bronze Age Titans confronted bigger, more dangerous villains all across the world (and even in outer space!), as well as the real-world issues of war, protest and gang violence back on the home front.

TEEN TITANS: THE BRONZE AGE OMNIBUS collects stories from TEEN TITANS #25-53, THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #94, #102 and #149, and BATMAN FAMILY #6, #8-9, from such talented writers and artists as Nick Cardy, Bob Haney, Bob Rozakis, George Tuska and more.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Teen Titans
Reeks/Deel: Teen Titans - Omnibus
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781401270759
Scenarist(en): Haney, Bob , Kanigher, Robert "Bob" , Nick, Cardy
Tekenaar(s): Heck, Don , Rozakis, Bob , Tuska, George
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

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