Sexless Friend 1 - Volume 1

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Volume 1
Sexless Friend 1
€ 18,95


With his handsome face, incredible body, and gentlemanly ways, 18-year-old university freshman Tsukasa Suo is the hottest guy around! Although by all appearances he lives a charmed life as the local babe-magnet, due to certain circumstances, he has had absolutely zero experience with women! Wanting desperately to stop being such an innocent as soon as possible, he teams up with the equally inexperienced new professor, Mikoto Himenomiya, so they can 'study' how to overcome their nervousness in the presence of the opposite sex. The main goal of these study sessions is for Suo to finally be able to woo the woman of his dreams, his classmate Megumu Kisaki... so why does he find himself getting closer and closer to his young professor instead?! Hidetaka Kakei's first volume of Sexless Friend is a quirky love-comedy that balances cute and sexy with charmingly hilarious results!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Sexless Friend
Reeks/Deel: Sexless Friend 1
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781624590221
Scenarist(en): Kakei, Hidetaka
Tekenaar(s): Kakei, Hidetaka
Genre(s): Erotiek, Young Adult
Uitgever: Project-H

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