Robert Crumb - Collectie - the compleet crumb - On the crest of a wave

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Robert Crumb enters the '70s with this, the sixth volume in Fantagraphics Books' all-inclusive reprint series. This includes a couple of genuine rarities (some of them so obscure they didn't even make the Crumb Checklist), as well as all of Crumb's work from Big Ass #1, Zap #4 (including the legendary, much-busted, X-rated "Joe Blow" teen incest strip), the remarkably offensive Snatch #3 and Jiz #1, the classic Despair, and the second issue of Motor City — classics all. The volume also includes a 16-page color section (with rare covers from the first three Gothic Blimp Works), a sumptuous new cover by Crumb, and an insightful intro by the Man himself (no, not Stan Lee). Absolutely indispensible!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Robert Crumb - Collectie
Reeks/Deel: Robert Crumb - Collectie
Taal: Engels
Scenarist(en): Crumb, Robert
Tekenaar(s): Crumb, Robert
Uitgever: Fantagraphics books

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