In the Land of Waves, Naruto and his teammates Sakura and Sasuke, along with their sensei Kakashi, struggle to protect the bridge builder Tazuna and his family from Gato's hired thugs. When one of Naruto's friends falls in battle, Naruto is faced with the most difficult choice of his life. How far will he go to protect his friends? And does he have what it takes to be a hero?
Containing volumes 4, 5 and 6 of Naruto.
• | 1. | Volumes 1, 2, 3 |
• | 3. | Volume 7, 8, 9 |
Wij bieden je de mogelijkheid om op de hoogte gehouden te worden bij het verschijnen van nieuwe, of door je gezocht uitgaven. Je dient hiervoor ingelogd te zijn.