My Hero Academia - Smash! 2 - Smash! 2

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Smash! 2
My Hero Academia - Smash! 2
€ 11,99


Yayyy! This volume of the My Hero Academia parody series covers the Sports Festival, internships and other fun stuff. The Sports Festival turns into a crazy baseball game, and then Izuku Midoriya, a formerly Quirkless boy and now the inheritor of the world's greatest superpower, starts having some weird fantasies. Plus we all get turned into...babies? How could you not want to read about that?! For teen audiences.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: My Hero Academia
Reeks/Deel: My Hero Academia - Smash! 2
ISBN: 9781974708673
Scenarist(en): Neda, Hirofumi
Tekenaar(s): Neda, Hirofumi
Genre(s): Parodie, Shonenjump Manga
Uitgever: Viz Media

In deze reeks

1. Smash! 1
3. Smash! 3
4. Smash! 4
5. Smash! 5

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