Invincible 2 - Eight is enough

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Eight is enough
Invincible 2
€ 10,99


Mark Grayson is just like most everyone else his age, except for the fact that his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet. And now he's begun to inherit his father's powers. It all sounds okay at first, but how do you follow in your father's footsteps when you know you will never live up to his standards? The 'Inivincible Family' finally starts to get a handle on the whole superhero thing, while Mark plans for college and the oft-mentioned Guardians of the Globe are finally introduced in this full-length trade paperback featuring what is undoubtedly the single most shocking and unexpected page in the series thus far. If you've been waiting for the trade, here it is!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Invincible
Reeks/Deel: Invincible 2
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781582403472
Scenarist(en): Kirkman, Robert
Tekenaar(s): Crabtree, Bill , Walker, Cory
Genre(s): Actie, Superhelden
Uitgever: Image Comics

In deze reeks

6. A different world
7. Three's company
9. Out of This World
10. Who's the boss?

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