I'm the Villainess, so I'm taming the Final Boss 1 - Volume 1

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Volume 1
I'm the Villainess, so I'm taming the Final Boss 1
€ 13,00


When Aileen, the Duke's daughter, regains her memories of her past life, she realizes she's barreling towards ruin at full speed. Searching for any way out of her hopeless situation, the method she chooses is to capture the heart of the last boss-the Demon Lord Claude!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: I'm the Villainess, so I'm taming the Final Boss
Reeks/Deel: I'm the Villainess, so I'm taming the Final Boss 1
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781975321208
Scenarist(en): Yuzu, Anko
Tekenaar(s): Yuzu, Anko
Genre(s): Fantasy, Young Adult
Uitgever: Yen Press

In deze reeks

2. Volume 2
3. Volume 3

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