I Belong to the Baddest Girl at School 5 - Volume 5

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Volume 5
I Belong to the Baddest Girl at School 5
€ 13,99


Toramaru finally realizes she and Unoki aren’t on the same page. But due to a new misunderstanding, she starts doing everything in her power to get him to fall for her. Meanwhile, Unoki is frustrated that he can’t seem to be honest about his feelings. Vol. 5 of this rom-com of misunderstandings is full of new developments!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: I Belong to the Baddest Girl at School
Reeks/Deel: I Belong to the Baddest Girl at School 5
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781642732139
Scenarist(en): Kashima, Ui
Tekenaar(s): Kashima, Ui
Genre(s): Humor, Seinen, Slice of life / dagelijks leven
Uitgever: One Peace Books

In deze reeks

6. Volume 6

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