G.I. Joe - A real American Hero 1 - Battle Files The Joes

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Battle Files The Joes
G.I. Joe - A real American Hero 1
€ 7,95


G.I. Joe Battle Files contains everything you ever wanted to know about the characters and vehicles of the Joe universe. Want to know what's been going on with the Joes and Cobras during their seven-year absence? It's all here. This Issue: 48 pages of specs and bios on the Cobra forces, from Cobra Commander and Destro to the troops that make up their massive armies. Contains updated info on all of the Cobra hierarchy from the new comic, as well as info on a few missing members of the terrorist organization. Battle Files is a must-have for any G.I. Joe fans, this is the ultimate Joe source book! Great for fans of the old Order of Battle and Who's Who comics of yesteryear!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: G.I. Joe
Reeks/Deel: G.I. Joe - A real American Hero 1
Taal: Engels
Scenarist(en): Blaylock, Josh , Kurth, Steve , Seeley, Tim
Tekenaar(s): Blaylock, Josh
Uitgever: Image Comics

In deze reeks

2. Battle Files Cobra

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