What If...? (Donald Duck/Marvel) - Mickey and his friends became the Fantastic Four

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Uitgave omschrijving

(A/CA) Lorenzo Pastrovicchio


YOUR FAVORITE DISNEY CHARACTERS AS MARVEL'S FIRST FAMILY! MICKEY has stretching powers! MINNIE can turn invisible! GOOFY can burst into flame! DONALD has become some kind of rocky...THING! With these incredible powers, they vow to help those in need as - the FANTASTIC FOUR. And they'll need all their awesome abilities if they are to succeed in their first mission together to stop MOLE PETE from destroying DUCKBURG! But how did they get their super-powers? Find out in this fantastic ORIGIN special!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Fantastic Four (Vier Verdedigers), Mickey Mouse
Reeks/Deel: What If...? (Donald Duck/Marvel)
Taal: Engels
Scenarist(en): Behling, Steve , Secchi, Ricardo
Tekenaar(s): Pastrovicchio, Lorenzo
Genre(s): Humor
Uitgever: Marvel

In deze reeks

1. Minnie Became Captain Marvel

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