Batman - One-Shots - Gothic - Deluxe Edition

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Mr. Whisper, the man without a shadow, was brutally murdered twenty years ago, and yet...somehow he has returned.

And now the mysterious figure stalks Gotham City's most notorious crime lords, killing off, one by one.

With the underworld of Gotham in chaos, the Dark Knight is drawn into conflict with Mr. Whisper, only to discover that this immortal killer has a terrifying connection to Bruce Wayne's youth.

Despite this shocking revelation, the Caped Crusader must find a way to stop the unkillable man from unleashing a lethal plague on Gotham.

Collects Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #6-10.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Batman
Reeks/Deel: Batman - One-Shots
Scenarist(en): Morrison, Grant
Tekenaar(s): Janson, Klaus
Genre(s): DC Superhelden

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