Avatar - The Last Airbender / The Search - The Search - Library Edition

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The Search - Library Edition
Avatar - the last Airbender (omnibus/deluxe editions)
€ 39,99


Immediately following the Avatar's adventures chronicled in The Promise, this remarkable omnibus that collects parts 1-3 of The Search, from Airbender creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko!

What happened to Fire Lord Zuko’s mother? Finding a clue at last, Zuko enlists the aid of Team Avatar and the most unlikely ally of all, to help uncover the biggest secret of his life.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Avatar - the Last Airbender
Reeks/Deel: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Subreeksen/Deel: The Search
Uitgavereeks: Avatar - the last Airbender (omnibus/deluxe editions)
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781616552268
Scenarist(en): DiMartino, Michael Dante , Konietzko, Bryan , Yang, Gene Luen
Tekenaar(s): Gurihiru
Genre(s): Avontuur
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics

In deze reeks

The Search - Omnibus

Meer reeksen in deze collectie

North and South
Smoke and Shadow
The Promise
The Rift

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