Acts of Vengeance! - Marvel Omnibus - Crossovers

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Acts of Vengeance! - Marvel Omnibus
€ 99,99

Uitgave omschrijving

750 pagina's


The Acts of Vengeance are here, and no hero is left untouched! Witness one of the most unexpected battles of all time! Wolverine vs. Tiger Shark! Dr. Strange vs. Hobgoblin! The Punisher vs. Dr. Doom! Daredevil vs. Ultron! Power Pack vs. Typhoid Mary! And while the Fantastic Four fight against the passing of a Super Hero Registration Act, Psylocke is changed forever at the hands of Mojo!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Acts of Vengeance!
Reeks/Deel: Acts of Vengeance! - Marvel Omnibus
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780785144885
Scenarist(en): Goodwin, Archie , Simonson, Walter , Thomas, Roy
Tekenaar(s): Diverse tekenaars
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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