Sword Art Online - Light Novel 4 - Novel 4 - Fairy Dance

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Novel 4 - Fairy Dance
Sword Art Online - Light Novel 4
€ 13,99


Kirito plunges into a suspicious new VRMMORPG called ALfheim Online to rescue Asuna, who never returned from Sword Art Online. ALO offers many features to entertain players in the wake of SAO: ultra high-end graphics, action-heavy gameplay, and a choice of fairy races, complete with a next-generation flight engine. Playing as a Spriggan, Kirito heads for the location of Asuna's prison--the top of the World Tree, the final destination of every player in the game! Along the way, Kirito nearly falls to a plot hatched by the enemy Salamanders, just barely surviving the ordeal with the help of a Sylph named Leafa and his Navigation Pixie, Yui. But just as Kirito and Leafa make it to the foot of the World Tree, the end of their quest in sight, both Kirito and Leafa each realize the other has a very big secret...

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Sword Art Online
Reeks/Deel: Sword Art Online - Light Novel 4
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780316296434
Scenarist(en): Kawahara, Reki
Tekenaar(s): abec
Genre(s): Fantasy, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Uitgever: Yen On

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