Girl from the Other Side, the 2 - Volume 2

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Volume 2
Girl from the Other Side, the 2
€ 12,99


To be touched by an Outsider is to become an Outsider. A clawed, black hand reaches out to touch Shiva's cheek in her sleep. The hand does not belong to Teacher. Who is this strange new Outsider, and what do its creepy murmurings about "mother" portend?

Enter a fantasy realm shrouded in mystery, in a dark fairy tale-like setting for fans of The Ancient Magus' Bride.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Girl from the Other Side, the
Reeks/Deel: Girl from the Other Side, the 2
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781626925236
Scenarist(en): Nagabe
Tekenaar(s): Nagabe
Genre(s): Fantasy, Young Adult
Uitgever: Seven Seas Entertainment

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