Alison Dare - Collected 1 - Little Miss Adventures - Volume 1

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Little Miss Adventures - Volume 1
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Alison Dare - Collected 1
€ 7,95


Alison Dare is not your typical 12-year-old. The daughter of an archeologist/adventurer and the masked hero known as the Blue Scarab (and the niece of an international super-spy), Alison's life has always been different from other girls her age. A craving for danger is in her blood. Unfortunately, her parents have locked her away at the prestigious St. Joan of Arc Academy for Girls, hoping that this would lead to a more "normal" life for their daughter. But despite all the strict rules at the school, Alison and her best pals -- Wendy and Dot -- somehow manage to get into adventures that rival those of Alison's globetrotting, planet-saving relatives.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Alison Dare
Reeks/Deel: Alison Dare - Collected 1
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781929998203
Scenarist(en): Torres, J.
Tekenaar(s): Bone, J.
Genre(s): Avontuur, Young Adult
Uitgever: Oni Press

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